Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis)

  • Gawo: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Kugawikana: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Kalasi: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Kagulu: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Dongosolo: Agaricales (Agaric kapena Lamellar)
  • Banja: Hymenogastraceae (Hymenogaster)
  • Mtundu: Psilocybe
  • Type: Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis)
  • San Isidro
  • Stropharia cubensis

Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis) chithunzi ndi kufotokozera

Psilocybe cubensis - mtundu wa bowa womwe uli m'gulu la Psilocybe (Psilocybe) wa banja la strophariaceae (Strophariaceae). Muli ma psychoactive alkaloids psilocybin ndi psilocin.

Munda: kum'mwera kwa USA, Central America, madera otentha, pa manyowa. Timakula mochita kupanga kunyumba pa chikhalidwe gawo lapansi.

Makulidwe: 10 - 80 mm ∅.

mtundu; wotumbululuka wachikasu, bulauni muukalamba.

Mawonekedwe: choyamba chooneka ngati chulu, kenako chooneka ngati belu muukalamba, chotukuka kumapeto (mapeto amapindika mmwamba).

Pamwamba: zauve, zosalala. Thupi limakhala lolimba, loyera, limasanduka buluu likawonongeka.

Makulidwe: 40 - 150 mm kutalika, 4 - 10 mm mu ∅.

Mawonekedwe: mofanana wandiweyani, wamphamvu m'munsi.

mtundu; yoyera, imasanduka buluu ikawonongeka, youma, yosalala, mphete yoyera (zotsalira za Velum partiale).

mtundu; imvi mpaka imvi-violet, m'mphepete mwake moyera.

Location: kuchokera ku adnat kupita ku adnex.

Mikangano: wofiirira-bulauni, 10-17 x 7-10 mm, elliptical mpaka oval, wandiweyani-watchinga.

ZOCHITA: Uniform. Wapamwamba kwambiri.

According to the list of narcotic drugs, the fruiting bodies of any type of mushroom containing psilocybin and (or) psilocin are considered a narcotic drug and are prohibited for circulation on the territory of the Federation. The collection, consumption and sale of fruiting bodies of Psilocybe cubensis is also prohibited in other countries.

However, Psilocybe cubensis spores are not prohibited, but they can only be acquired or distributed for scientific research, otherwise it can be classified as preparation for a crime. But no laws regulate this process both from the side of the seller and from the side of the buyer, as a result of which spore prints are freely available both in the Federation and in other countries.

Kuvomerezeka kwa mycelium ndikosavuta. Kumbali imodzi, si thupi la fruiting, koma, kumbali ina, lili ndi zinthu za psychoactive.

Mitundu yofananira:

  • Psilocybe fimetaria ili ndi zotsalira zoyera zoyera za chophimba m'mphepete mwa kapu, zimamera pa manyowa a akavalo.
  • Conocybe tenera yokhala ndi mbale zofiirira zokhwima.
  • Mitundu ina yamtundu wa Panaeolus.

Bowa onsewa sadyedwa kapena amakhala ndi hallucinogenic.

Siyani Mumakonda