Tsiku la Notaries 2023: mbiri ndi miyambo ya tchuthi
Tsiku la Notaries limakondwerera chaka chilichonse m'dziko lathu. Ndani ndipo amakondwerera liti mu 2023, ndi miyambo yanji masiku ano, mbiri yake ndi yotani - tikunena m'nkhani zathu

Ulamuliro wamakono sungakhale zomwe tikuzidziwa lero popanda oimira ntchitoyi. A notary ndi loya yemwe amatsimikizira zochitika, kutsimikizira kukhulupirika ndi kutsimikizika kwa zikalata ndi ma signature. Tiyeni tikambirane mwatsatanetsatane mbiri ndi miyambo ya akatswiri tchuthi.

Pamene chikondwerero

Tsiku la Notaries limakondwerera chaka chilichonse m'dziko lathu 26 April. Mu 2023, masauzande a anzathu adzachita chikondwererochi.

mbiri ya tchuthi

Kuwonekera kwa ntchito ya notary kumatchedwa nthawi ya Roma Yakale. Pa nthawi imeneyo, mapangano pakamwa anasamutsidwa pepala ndi akalaliki, ndi iwo amene amaonedwa ngati chitsanzo cha notaries zamakono.

Komabe, alembi sanali apadera pamapepala azamalamulo. Choncho, ntchito ya ma tabellions inawuka - anthu omwe ntchito zawo zinali zogwirizana ndi zolemba zalamulo zokha, zomwe ndi malamulo ndi mapepala a chiweruzo. Zochita zawo zinali pansi pa ulamuliro wokhwima wa boma - mwachitsanzo, kuchuluka kwa malipiro a ntchito zomwe zinaperekedwa zinasankhidwa ndi wolamulira, tabellion sakanatha kuyika mtengo wake.

Mawu omwewo - "notariat", komanso kukhazikitsidwa kwa dzina lomwelo, adawukanso ku Roma, pamalingaliro a Tchalitchi cha Roma. Izi zidachitika kumapeto kwa XNUMXnd - koyambirira kwa zaka za zana la XNUMX. Notta (kuchokera ku liwu loti "notta" - "chizindikiro") adatumikira m'madayosizi ndipo adatenga mwachidule zokambirana za mabishopu ndi ma parishi, komanso adachita ndi kasamalidwe ka zolemba za tchalitchi. Akatswiri awiri kapena atatu otere ankatumikira pakachisi aliyense. Kenako, ntchito za notary anawonjezera ku dziko la moyo, ndi oimira ntchito imeneyi anayamba kukumana osati mu Rome, komanso Italy ndi ku Ulaya konse.

M'dziko Lathu, kwa nthawi yoyamba, analogue ya notary imatchulidwa m'malemba azaka za zana la XNUMX omwe adapezeka pakukumba m'dera la Novgorod. Akatswiri ofukula zinthu zakale apeza kalata ya birch-bark, yomwe m'mawu amakono imatha kutchedwa notarization. Malinga ndi chikalatachi, mayiyo amatsimikizira kuti munthu wina wamutenga ndalamazo, ndipo mlembi (amene tingamutchule kuti ndi wolemba mabuku woyamba m’mbiri ya Dziko Lathu) akutsimikizira pepalalo ndi siginecha yake.

Ntchito ya analogue ya notary mu Dziko Lathu idakhala yokhazikika komanso yokhazikika m'zaka za zana la XNUMX. Chikalata cha khoti chomwe chinapezeka pofukula ku Pskov chimanena za kufunika kopereka umboni wolembedwa pamikangano yokhudzana ndi katundu. Ikufotokozanso zofunikira popanga masiye. Tchata ya kasitomu ya Belozersky yomwe idapangidwa m'zaka za zana lomweli ili ndi zidziwitso zamikhalidwe yoyenera pakukonza zogulitsa ndi kugula.

Mpaka zaka za zana la XNUMX, notary ngati bungwe lapadera kulibe m'dziko lathu. Ntchito za akatswiriwa, monganso mu Roma Wakale, zinkachitidwa ndi alembi, nthaŵi zina ndi atsogoleri achipembedzo. Koma kale m'zaka za zana la XNUMX, notary idapangidwa ngati gawo lodziyimira pawokha. Notaries ankagwira ntchito ku khoti lililonse lachigawo, kusankhidwa kwawo kunayendetsedwa ndi tcheyamani wa Judicial Chamber. Pa nthawiyo, ntchito ya notary inali yogwirizana kwambiri ndi zolemba za katundu.

After the revolution, the situation changed dramatically. The abolition of private property changed the status of the notaries for a long time – it became completely state-owned. In the period from 1917 to 1922, notaries performed only the formal functions of certifying documents. However, gradually the number of actions increased greatly. This was enshrined in a resolution that was valid until the collapse of the USSR, where all the obligations of notaries were spelled out. In 1993, this institution again became private and independent of the state.

In 2016, the notaries celebrated 150 years of its existence. In honor of the important date, a Decree of the President of the Federation was issued on the creation of an official professional holiday. According to this document, a permanent date was assigned to the Notary Day – April 26th.

However, until 2016, experts celebrated this day, but unofficially. Only now they celebrated it on April 27th. The fact is that on April 14 (according to the old style), 1866, Emperor Alexander II signed the “Regulations on the notarial part”. It is from this year that the modern notary begins. When they chose the date for the unofficial holiday – April 27 – they did not take into account the peculiarities of the translation from the old style to the new one. But they took this into account when issuing the presidential decree and chose a historically accurate day – April 26th.

Miyambo ya tchuthi

Monga tchuthi chofananira, Tsiku la Notary M'dziko Lathu limakondwerera kwambiri pakati pa akatswiri. Monga lamulo, misonkhano ikuluikulu ndi misonkhano imayikidwa kuti igwirizane ndi tsiku lino, kumene ogwira nawo ntchito sangangosinthana chidziwitso ndi chidziwitso, komanso amayamikirana wina ndi mzake mwamwayi.

Siyani Mumakonda